Do you always to
be slow? (p.24)
book main person is “David”. He is
basketball prayer. One day he crash the
car and he should ever use wheelchair. I
think almost people give up to all sports, but David didn’t give up and his
best friends Alex cheer up never. David
decided wheelchair basketball prayer and he join the team. That team coach is said “David, you are so
great, but you’re slow around the court.
It’s not fast enough” David more practice and his parents cooperate with
him. Finally one day David will go the
wheelchair game with smelly like a he was not use wheelchair.
didn’t understand his feeling. He was
felt frustrated, but he prays basketball again.
Why he didn’t give up? That because he like basketball so much. This book tells the people mainly if you have
like things and you have strong hart, you can advance your goal.
Wheel chair:車いす
175 wards

Nice work. But please check the following points:
返信削除1. Please check the accuracy of the quote. It doesn't make sense.
2. Please check the pictures.
3. Please check the spelling of "words".