A boy name is Mark he likes turkey and his family also
likes turkey. That day they are visiting the city and they went to old city
then he look at yellow stone. Then he starts to clean it with his hand and the
light is strong. Ten seconds later, the light and the wind stop. He can
see hundred of ships and men. Behind him there is a beautiful city with
high walls. "Boy! Come here!" "Me?" Mark walks across
the block ship. Then they climb a small hill. They made wooden horse but
they can't find a stone front the second eye. Mark said, "I think I can
help you" He takes the stone out of the yellow stone of this pocket.
Everyone is very surprised and pleasure for him. That night Mark sits near a
big fire and one old woman beside him. She tells Mark lots of stories about
Greece, the war.
This story is famous of history. After that old
people into the wooden horse and go to enemy territory. And they starting
war and Mark got involved that war.
wooden: 木製の
189 words
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